We’re pleased to announce that BF&M and Argus have completed their amalgamation

Click here to learn more about how we are moving forward together

Contact us

We're here to help.

How to get in touch with us

General Enquiries


24/7 Overseas Health claims


(Number to call from Bermuda for overseas claims)

Website Support

+1 441 298 0301

Corporate headquarters

BF&M Insurance Building
112 Pitts Bay Road
Pembroke HM08

Business hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm

View in Google maps

Mailing Address
PO Box HM 1007
Hamilton HM DX

Your feedback is important to us.

At BF&M, we care about our customers. We make every effort to maintain the high standard of customer service you should expect from us. Our intention is to treat all customers with respect and handle all matters in a prompt and courteous manner.


To make a complaint or give feedback

While we do our utmost to deliver efficient and helpful service, there may be times where we fall short. If we do, we very much value knowing about it so we can provide you with the service you deserve and improve our process going forward. If you would like to make a complaint, please complete our short feedback form accessed below and we will make every effort to respond promptly.

And if there’s something we’re doing right, we love to know about that too so we can reinforce it within our organisation.


Interested in applying for a donation?

To determine if your request will be a fit with the BF&M Group’s pillars of giving and corporate engagement vision, please read more about our community engagement before submitting your application. Applications can be submitted emailed to csr@bfm.bm.