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How to protect your motorcycle from theft in Bermuda

With so many drivers using motorcycles as their primary form of transportation to get around the island, it’s no surprise that bike theft is a common occurrence here. Thankfully, there are some simple ways you can protect your cycle and significantly reduce your chances of experiencing a theft-related loss.
  1. Never leave your keys in your cycle. This might go without saying, but it’s worth a reminder — leaving your keys in your unattended bike, even just for a few minutes, is a sure-fire way to have your motorcycle stolen if a potential thief happens to walk by. Always take your keys with you when you leave your cycle.
  2. Park your cycle in a well-lit, highly trafficked area — especially at night and on the weekend. It’s good practice to consistently park your bike in places where a thief is likely to be spotted by a passer-by or a security camera if they’re trying to steal your cycle. Most bike thefts are crimes of opportunity, so be mindful of where you park your cycle and how long you leave it unattended.
  3. Install an after-market anti-theft system. When you purchase a motorcycle, you can have it fitted with an electronic identification and anti-theft system that uses electronic transponders and chemical etching on multiple parts of your cycle to make it easily identifiable to authorities if it’s stolen. You can also consider installing an alarm system, an engine immobilizer, and a GPS tracking system. In addition to making your bike much more difficult to steal, visible decals that typically come with systems like these also serve as visual deterrents and make your cycle a less desirable target.
  4. Use a secondary lock. When you park your cycle, consider using a disc brake, throttle, or wheel lock as an added layer of protection and a visual deterrent to thieves.

Get a quote for comprehensive motor insurance from BF&M

No matter how hard you try to protect your motorcycle from being stolen, some thieves are impossible to outsmart — that’s why it’s important to properly insure your cycle, its fitted accessories, and your helmet. With comprehensive motor insurance from BF&M, you’ll be reimbursed for the market value of your stolen motorcycle. If you’re looking for a new motor insurance policy with coverage for theft, get a quote from BF&M today.

What to do if your bike is stolen in Bermuda

If you’re a BF&M customer and your motorcycle is stolen, report the theft to the police and complete and submit our online claim form. If you have any questions, contact our team at +1 441 295 5566, and we’ll be happy to help.

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