ANNOUNCEMENT: BF&M and Argus announce plans to combine

To read more about how we’re planning to move forward together, click here.

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What is the Mutual Reinsurance Fund (MRF) and what does it cover?

MRF is a fee that is legislated annually by Government, and payable by every employee and non-working spouse with active health insurance coverage. The Government’s Health Insurance Department administers the funds, which are collected by Insurers on Government’s behalf.

Currently, more than 69% of the MRF fee is allocated towards funding the Government’s $330 million block grant to the Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB). The remaining funds are used to support Government administered plans (HIP and Futurecare), for high dollar claims services provided by the BHB, such as those associated with kidney dialysis and transplants, as well as for funding operational costs of the Bermuda Health Council.

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