ANNOUNCEMENT: BF&M and Argus announce plans to combine
To read more about how we’re planning to move forward together, click here.

Pension fund investment performance

BF&M's standard investment platform provides participants with a choice between two different types of profiles, along with the option to self-direct. The investment profiles for selection are:

  • Target Date: Developed around the expected year of retirement
  • Risk Based: Developed in accordance to your risk appetite, stage of life and investment knowledge.


Pension Matters - 2024 Q1


Target Date profile

BF&M was the first and remains the only pension provider on the island that offers the target date method of investing. Participants choose a profile with a year that best corresponds to an expected target retirement date. Alloctions are automatically adjusted over time to become more conservative as investors approach their anticipated retirement date.

Risk Based profile

Participants remain in charge of their ultimate profile selections. We provide a helping hand based on how much risk they are willing to take with their investments, choosing the profile that most closely matches their comfort level and investment objective.